Software Maintenance & Support
Sage Software is one of the world’s largest business software vendors and is by far the largest mid-market software vendor in Canada. With revenues in North America of more than 1 billion dollars, Sage is a tier-1 software vendor.
Your software business care agreement includes new software versions, service packs, and hotfixes where needed. Sage generally upgrades the CRM software annually, and the ERP software every 18 months.
CRM Systems will serve as your technical helpdesk. Our helpdesk is available from 8:30am – 7:00pm Eastern Time, Monday-Friday. Emergency support is available off-hours on a best-effort basis, or for clients who have signed enhanced service level agreements (SLAs), at the hours defined in that agreement.

Committed to People, Committed to the Future

In a World of Technology, People Make the Difference
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CRM Systems
395 Berry St #15
Winnipeg, MB R3J 1N6